
composite test meaning in Chinese



  1. Klingelnberg pse600 and psr500 composite testing machines for worm and worm gear sets
    德国leitz pmm 12106三坐标测量机克林贝格pse600和psr500蜗杆蜗轮综合检查仪。
  2. The paper introduces the functions of phosphate surfactant and the composite test on the phosphate oil agent
    摘要概述了磷酸酯类表面活性剂的作用,详细论述了磷酸酯油剂(代号517 (上标# ) )的合成小试研究工作。
  3. Abstract : based on composite testing of naphthalene superplasticizer and different retarders as well as retarding water reducer , in which the overall amount of admixture is certain , this paper analyzes the influence of these multicomponent admixtures on flowability of neat cement 、 retarding action and development of strength of colloidal mortar . the result shows that compatibilities of different components are different , and composition effects are also different
  4. And another brake material formula also can be achieved in which the carbon fiber was replaced by the wood fiber based on the researching of the effect of fibre , resin and filler in multi - fibres hybrid composite test result shows that the formula material have a relatively suitable friction coefficient ( ranging around 0 . 35 ) , good fade resistance and recovery as well as low wear ratio . by comparing the formula material with the product of national and abroad sold in the market , its low cost and excellent properties make a bright prospect
    在研究各种纤维、树脂和填料对混杂纤维复合摩擦材料摩擦学性能影响的基础上,本文研制开发出分别适用于中重型车与中小型车用的刹车摩擦材料的最佳配方和一种含木纤维的多种纤维混杂复合摩擦材料的最佳配方。将所选配方的刹车材料与市售的国内外品牌刹车片进行对比,结果表明本课题所开发研制的摩擦材料的摩擦系数都在0 . 35左右,具有很好的摩擦系数稳定性和抗热衰退性,磨损率也较小,综合考虑到配方试样原料成本较低,在性价比上具有一定的优势。

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  3. composite turnover
  4. composite shipyard
  5. composite laccolith
  6. composite permeability
  7. composite fiber
  8. composite odontoma
  9. composite unconformity
  10. composite insulation
  11. composite television signal
  12. composite terminal
  13. composite test gear
  14. composite test pattern
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